Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our little Houdini

Maggie loves being outside and can occupy herself almost endlessly (as if you didn’t know!) for longer and longer periods each day.

Her latest game indoors is to slide on her puppy belly under the couch in the living room when we’re all in there and treat it as her hiding spot. There’s fringe on the couch that lets her be hidden from view. The game begins as she barks at the fringe or perhaps at us to come get her, come find her or she has the sense of she’s now closed in and wants out. The playful barking continues until she figures out that she can just slide out under the fringe with her nose poking out and then her face. By then we’re all laughing at her. Invariably, there’s a ball under there which she gets and rolls it out. Repetition is a part of the game which leaves us laughing all the more and wondering if she knows that she’s entertaining us???!!!! :)

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