Thursday, September 18, 2008

Didn't I just....... ?????

Maggie has a wonderful alpha personality about her that usually brings a smile to our faces as she brings us her latest vanquished object, be it a small quilted blanket, a discarded shawl from generations past, her most recent bone, amply chewed and dirt covered and all are presented with the urgency and intensity of a young child, deliberate in her movements that end soundly in our laps as these massive paws descend upon us! Her look is one of pride and she clearly wants us to join in the fun and celebrate her emergence of The retriever!!!

Her dominance of our household is without question as her repeated efforts to be queen of the manor is demonstrated over and over again, in a multitude of ways. It doesn’t matter whether we’re grabbing our first cup of coffee or ready to crawl in for the night, Maggie has her own plan as to how the universe should unfold!!!

One of her current assertions is that food in all its descriptions, flavours, scents or odours is worthy of her sampling or more correctly, is hers for the taking!!! Today’s sandwich, freshly made with great care and attention, was summarily whisked away as her jaws met the top of the counter with just the right amount of leverage to secure half the sandwich. Now the interesting thing is, she has the sense that what she’s doing will meet (meat) with considerable outcry from us and as those determined chops of hers land the sandwich (in this case), her legs are already in motion for the door, through the screen, across the patio and onto the back lawn as rather indignant adults attempt to “retrieve” the sandwich as it disappears from sight!!!!!! You know there’ll be more to come………. :)

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