Whisked away from her family at such a young age, leaving her mother, brothers and sisters in the country and moving on to a suburban family who were at the onset of loving her to pieces, laughing at her endlessly as her antics gushed from her fountain of youth!!!!!
Well there was no toilet paper so I have to use something handy!!!! Would you help me shred this? I find it’s so practical that way!!!!
Oh there's entirely too much water here that completely reminds me of bath time!!!!
If only they'd forget the part about me being a retriever!!! How can I get out of this one???
You know, I'm getting too big to carry around but it still feels really good to be to be cuddled!!! Why does she keep on calling me a sausage; what I'd like is to have a bunch of them to munch on as we speak!!! Hmmm, what's that over on that counter, a little to the left please!!! Stop smiling at that silver box and open the fridge!!! Oh that smells good.......
So this is what it means to be a teenager???!!!! They get me up too early in the morning, I get larger portions, get to stay up later, get to lay down whenever I want and I can reach up onto the counter whenever they're not looking!!! The sandwich was good, the cooked chicken was great and oh that steak that I took was amazing, totally!!! They sure get righteous about me taking that stuff!!! I've got to learn how to eat faster!!! What'll they do when they learn I've been drinking their wine!!!!
This is the life!!! My masters have their favorite spot and so do I but they sure get riled when they find me here. This thing about time out isn't all that bad but I just had that spot nicely warmed up and it's so soft!!! The part I don't get is what's all the fuss about obedience school??? They keep mentioning it to me when I jump on all the people who come over to play with me and when I play bite them, I hear it over and over. It usually follows all the "NO's" and "DOWNS", so I sit down and then they say'Good Girl" and everything seems fine but someone always mentions this school thing again!!! I hope there's lots of food there. That reminds me, I'm hungry!!! :)
Your eloquent accounts of Maggie's life always bring smiles. Her antics come to life through your words.
I don't know who will live longer, Maggie or the rest of us but she has the energy level of that exceeds all of us here!!! We're never short on "Now what's she doing?!!!"
Thanks for the compliment; I'll pass on to Maggie to keep us giggling!!!
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