Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh our Maggie!!!

She is totally A.D.D. or she's A.D.H.D. or this is what you get with a golden retriever as a puppy!!!! She goes for a walk and is distracted by absolutely everthything!!! Nothing but nothing escapes her attention in every direction. Can you imagine the energy that's expended as her head turns constantly, surveying the universe!!! You can almost hear her saying, "Wait a minute, what's that? Can we go over there? Hey, isn't that the fox sparrow from our backyard? What was that? Hey, you missed the trail, why aren't we going in that direction; no, I want to see what that is!!! OHhh, did you smell that, we have to go back! Why are we runnning so far in one direction? A squirrel, a squirrel, you know I chase them and I know they want to play with me! A stick, a stick, oh it was a good stick; can we get it when we get back? Have we gone far enough that I can go off the leash now? I will come when you call, honest I will......last time, what do you mean last time, I live in the present; you know that!!! Treats, I smell treats, come on, I'm ready, oh please, TREATS!!! That one was small, how many more do you have??? You can't fool me, I can still smell the crumb in the bottom of the bag! Can we do this again?

Ah look at her there on the floor, she's all played out. Are you tired Maggie, are you ready to sleep for a while, you look so tired, you can't keep your eyes open..............oh no, who's in the kitchen; look out here she comes!!!!! :)

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