…….. walkin’ in a winter wonderland. There is snow galore throughout the lower mainland, cold winds sometimes blustering into a gale and thoroughly frozen lakes, rivers and ponds are now in place to accommodate the antics of children of all ages and dogs that figure frozen water is at least as much fun as the liquid type!!! The snow hitting the lower mainland crimps everyone and everybody as most of us have all season radials on our cars, not winter tires. So with the desperate and the insane now out there, driving their cars in bumper car fashion, the rest of us attach huge tires to the sides of our cars (LOL) or go into hibernation awaiting the return of the depressing rains in order to re- establish the proper level of safe driving for us all.
We have a new house guest of the four legged variety, a Lhasa Apso named Oakley who has come to us via Alana’s impetuous benevolence, saying she would house and puppy sit for extended family while they are away in Hawaii. All well and good until funerals happen which Alana was involved in planning, friends arrive from all over, it snows a foot and a half and the usual bedlam ensues, making it almost impossible for Alana to get to and fro for her house sitting duties.
Maggie, of course, is delighted with her new toy and can’t begin to understand why Oakley will have no part of her???!!! Every movement that Oakley makes, usually away from Maggie constitutes the game to begin with Maggie bounding (perhaps even bouncing) after, over, around, on top of, from the left, from the right accompanied by yearning vocalizations that clearly are imploring Oakley to join in the chase game. Oakley’s response is to stand his ground and stare fixedly at Maggie while wondering what he has done wrong to deserve this--- first his family disappears, then he’s left for hours on end and a stranger comes and stays with him, then the stranger comes and takes him away from his house, drives through the snow at night and there he is landing at a house he’s never been to with all sorts of people who he has never met but seem to like him and a total wranger of a dog that clearly has no concept of his place in society!!!! This dog’s intrusiveness knows no bounds :) and goes further to full on barking that sends shivers through Oakley!!! And of course there’s the issue of Maggie eating anything in the house that resembles food. So as the bowl of food is placed in front of Oakley, her nibs is coming on like a freight train attempting to aspirate bowl and all on her way to her dish to see what treats have been used to distract her from our visitor!!!
Peace on earth and good will to all; now Maggie show some respect would you???
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